Helpful tools – my presentation at the CLS sharing session

First of all, here is my presentation, again.

Here are the links to the services I introduced:

You may find the following additional information useful:

  • Password-protect your Microsoft office documents (Office 2007, Office 2010) and PDFs. If you do not have Adobe at home, there are a number of free or inexpensive tools available online that allow you to add passwords to PDF (see list at
  • To encrypt all other files, you can use the password functionality of zip programs (see list at There are a number of other encryption tools that allow you to password-protect your data (see list at The strongest (and probably most expensive) software for this purpose is PGP.
  • If you want to add  handwritten notes to Evernote, you can look for some software that scans directly to PDF (note, that is already a feature of Acrobat Professional, installed on all our NUS computers). If you want to go completely paperless, you may also consider getting some document management software. However, please note that some decent software is not free of charge. Please let me know, if you found some freeware doing this.

The handput on

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