The idea of Wallwisher is quite simple - an online notice board. Notices can be left by the wall's creator or by anyone. The creator can also opt to review other peoples' submission. A Wallwisher wall looks like this.
A notice can consist of up to 160 characters. Web pages, videos or audios can also be linked though.
Websites and video open in larger frames on the wall. For a website, it looks somewhat like this:
Wallwisher is a quick and simple way to share ideas in a visual appealing fashion.
Scenarios for teachers:
- Getting feedback.
- Have a somewhat different link list.
- Share information quickly.
Tom Barrett has collected 32 ideas to use Wallwisher in the classroom.
Scenarios for learners:
- Collect your most information
- Build a wall for a team project and share information quickly.
- ...
Update (09 April 2012)
I just learned about another website, which can be used as an alternative: edistorm . To learn more about, edistorm, refer to Mark Brumley's post and screencast.